SEAMS News Archives

SEAMS Newsletter

All of the reports in this newsletter have come from the committee with the exception of the West Grinstead Show report sent in by Mark (who only recently stepped down). The result is this issue is rather late in going to the printers. Quite simply I can’t print what I don’t have, so please send in your reports, news items events and anything you think may be of interest to other members as soon as you can please. I have to start compiling the newsletter at least two weeks before publication. If we get nothing from the members then it falls on the committee to fill the newsletter and this wont necessarily represent the views or meet the requirements of the membership.

The spring season has started with our well supported club coach trip to Brooklands on National Drive it Day. Jenny Jefferies’ open day was another fine event held in the warm spring sunshine. The annual Amberley spring mechanicals day was also blessed with good weather (and no wind !) and like Jenny’s open day, was a great day to meet and talk with friends from both near and far. The annual London to Brighton Historic Commercial Vehicle run was another event unusually bathed in sunshine this year though the public turnout at Staplefield seemed down. Maybe this was because everyone went to Brighton or the coast due to the fine weather.
