S.E.A.M.S. New Year Gas-Up 2024
On Sunday 14th January SEAMS held its New Year gas up. The weather was fine and not as cold as expected, it did take a lot to book this weather in advance!
We had a good attendance of members and 3 new members that were exhibiting engines. I would just like to thank all that brought an engine; I think I counted around 16.
SEAMS had purchased a new, “very streamlined”, BBQ with 4 burners and a rack, but it performed very well with John Peters and I doing the cooking. There was plenty of food with a supply of hot drinks available in the hall should you have needed a warm-up.
The engines ran very well, and it was great to see 2024 starting off well. We held our usual raffle outside and thanks again to all for their BBQ donations and raffle ticket purchases. I hope you enjoyed the day, I know I did. Our thanks to Steve Mills and Andy Skinner for leaf blowing and roping the event.
Steve Rowland
SEAMS Chairman / Treasurer