Gas-Up at Hurst Farm 30th December 2012
Paul invited SEAMS to hold our end of year gas-up at Hurst Farm. I’m always pleased to hear those words as I know we at SEAMS are in for a really good day out.
I am not sure why Paul volunteers to hold the gas-up at his farm, as it entails so much extra work for the whole of the Cook family. However, I am pleased he does! On the day of the gas-up about 14 engines turned up, I think a little down on last year but a lot more members came along to have a look and a chat with friends.
It was nice to see Alan and Lynn Cullen as well as Martin Perman and friend all the way from Bedfordshire! Also Mark Farmer and Howard from Kent.
By 09:30 the engines in the barn were up and running and museum was open. The Robey diesel made everyone jump when it started with a deafening bang and the big Hornsby ran like clock work for most of the day. Paul’s museum really has an interesting and expanding collection of engines and other exhibits.
Right on time, Jacquie and Mandy started dishing out home made soup and hot dogs, which I know everyone looks forward to and appreciates, and jolly good they were too.
I must say that SEAMS members excelled themselves in raffle prizes, I don’t think we have ever had as many, which was pleasing as we had decided to donate all of the money raised from the gas-up and christmas raffle to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity (Sutton) a cause very close to the Cook family’s heart.
I am sure that Paul would like me to thank his wife jacquie, son Adrian, daughter Sally and also Malcolm and Mandy for all of their hard work on the day and throughout the preperations.
All too soon it was time to pack up and make our way home after a very pleasant day.
Peter Hoyles