Club Barbeque, Faygate, 26th June
When deciding on Faygate Village Hall as our meeting place for our winter meetings, we realised they were able to offer a BBQ with bar facilities since the hall is often booked for this type of event.
Looking around it was also feasible to use the space outside the hall to exhibit an engine or two (or more). Thus was formed the idea of a summer BBQ for club members. On June 26th about 20 members and partners turned up for what promised to be a ‘good do’.
In front of the hall we had half a dozen engines on display and running during the evening just to add a bit of noise and movement and to make it clear this was an engine club event. The engine line up comprised Ian’s Amanco, John’s Tiny Tim (?) charging set, Nick’s diminutive Stuart, Mark’s (ex Tony Peirce) Wolseley, Steve’s Galloway and my own Indian hot air engine fan. Fortunately (and unusually ?) all engines, apart from a plug change on Johns set, ran happily without intervention so no oily ‘mits’ on bread rolls or chicken legs.
The weather on the day proved a little troublesome with a few showers which forced the cooking and eating inside. The rain however did not affect the proceedings since the hall is quite cosy. Between showers, some decided to eat outside on the tables and chairs set out by our hosts.
The event proved to be an excellent social event with plenty of good tucker. There was even a little food left at the end of the evening so no one left hungry (and if you have seen the amount of grub some of us can put away…).
A resounding success, we thank Ian for making it all happen and Richard and Sharon at the hall for providing such a delicious banquet… There will definitely be another and we would welcome more members there next time.
Richard Amos