SEAMS News Archives

Chairman’s Report – Spring 2023

Dear Members

I feel I am a little late with this “spring newsletter” but as JP with confirm that work for me has been a bit frantic with personnel changes and redundances which as a Director I need to work through. Anyway, thank you to all that have re joined which is very much appreciated and a special thanks to new members.

The Winter meetings now over allowed us to secure some great speakers, we could not have one every club night but we are very grateful for event talks and slides from existing members. On other nights it was just a gathering to have a chat with a coffee and always privileged if we had a piece of Alan’s cake. We do pay £30 a night if its 5 people or 30 people for the use of the hall and if numbers are low, it is questioned if it is viable.

Thinking of content for the club newsletter, please remember any projects big or small that you embarked on over the Winter/any when, please try to document with a couple of pics as well, as our members would enjoy reading these. In this newsletter you will see Dale has put an excellent article together, which some may of seen in Stationary Engine magazine previously.

We have the club Lister, that on its most recent outing at East Grinstead had a magneto failure. With attempts from various people this was seen that the mag needed attention. This will be sent away to ensure it comes back to good health and ensures it maintains its status and value for the club. Dave Carpenter stepped forward and said he would become custodian of the Engine for the club, all above board as both sides agreed to document the agreement which can be terminated by any party at any time but does make it clear in the event of any issue. Of course, the repair will have a cost, but this has to be done.

Well that just leaves me to say I look forward to seeing you all at the forthcoming events which are listed in the newsletter, on our website and Facebook.

Just as a finishing note, Facebook can be contributed to by any person so don’t be shy. If any guidance is needed, please contact Sean Murrell whose contact details are at the back of the newsletter.

By Steve Rowland – Chairman