Chairman’s Report September/October 2020
by Steve Rowland
Dear Members
I start this issue with an apology for the late newsletter and hope you appreciate that in these troubled times that it has been knocked off its schedule slightly.
The Committee were conscious that we had not held a Committee meeting for a while due to the restrictions of the Covid crisis, but with only 6 people allowed to meet and an AGM looming there were some unanswered questions as to what needs to be done, with that in mind we arranged a ‘social distanced’ outside (in the garden) meeting held on Sunday 27th September at Richard Amos’ home (many thanks to Richard). With this very unusual situation we find ourselves in we have had to review a few things that I will now propose to you all.
Firstly, our usual AGM held in November will not be able to take place, so I would like to propose that the current Committee continues until November 2021, unless we can hold a AGM earlier, where all Club members are able to attend. Should any member have an issue with this, can I ask that they write to me at Steve Rowland, 6 Queen Elizabeth Road, Rudgwick ,Nr. Horsham, Sussex, RH12 3HP. If there is more than 50% of the club members disagree to this arrangement, the Committee will take immediate action to seek ways of resolving the situation.
Secondly, we have to look on a success based plan that we will have some events next year especially as the Club has to commit to insurance numbers in January for the forthcoming year. At this stage who knows what will happen but what we do know is we do need the support of all members to keep the club going forward. Unfortunately like our car insurance and other things that we have to have, even if we are unable to use it, these type places are not giving out refunds just because Covid has stopped that activity. The club has looked at what the bare minimal
amount the subs could be after taking insurance, club newsletter printing and post, hall rental etc. This means that the Club Subscription for 2021 will be reduced to £14 for paid up (2020) members renewing but remain at £18 for new members joining. Should we struggle with events again and the outcome is as a loss, the club can withstand this certainly for 2021, but I urge you all that this outlay of renewed membership could be to secure many more years once we are over this terrible virus.
This brings me on to articles in the newsletter. I feel that we have all been up to something and appreciate it’s not that easy sometimes to get the right words out. I would encourage you all, even if in paper format to get 3 something down and get it to us. We have a genius of an editor than can work through these letters and turn out an interesting piece for all to enjoy.
At the last AGM Richard made us all aware that he would be standing down as treasurer, as it happens there has not been much to do since having restricted activities, but to respect this, we may have to temporarily get around this position, but if anybody feels that they would like to join the committee and take this position on, we would welcome them in two aspects. 1, It’s great to have a new outlook to thoughts and ideas and 2, also to contribute to a valued part of the book keeping side of the club. Even if this position is not for you but you fancy being a Committee member, just get in touch. Please have a think!
Thinking of next year this is SEAMS 30th year, so if things do pan out, we would like to recognise this milestone. We have not really thought past this, as I said before, no one can really plan or know what the permitted activities will be. Our Website sates that due to Coronavirus, events have been cancelled and I can’t see this changing. There are organisers already pulling 2021 events as they do have to decide early, as there is so much work goes into the organisation, that should circumstances change, they can’t suddenly switch it back on again.
One thing I do hope certainly for the members that were not working before the lockdown, they have had time out in their workshop and have made progress with new projects. I would love to see a few words and pictures of what you have been up to. This way we can bring people together in sharing our projects even though we can’t see them in the flesh so to speak.
On a personal front, the Land Rover pieces have a new colour and I am very pleased with it, I just need to put it all together. What I do not need is another lockdown so I can’t get to my friends parents to put it together. The question still remains ‘when do you think it will be back on the road?’ I think it will still be a few months, as I am awaiting a new wiring loom, as the original is 40 plus years old, so its good thing to renew it.
I am sorry I can’t give any more certainty, but one day hopefully we can all look back on this when we return, out around our engines, with the only worry being ‘when is the next cup of tea coming!’
That leaves me to say, from all at SEAMS Committee we wish everyone to be safe and hope that the figures do start declining again so normality can prevail.