SEAMS News Archives

Chairman’s Report Nov/December 2020

by Steve Rowland

This year has been a difficult one for many and a strange one for SEAMS members and enthusiasts alike with the lack of shows and ability to meet up. We are now into the final knockings of 2020 and starting those Christmas good wishes.

In my last Chairman’s report I had stated that we had managed to hold a Committee Meeting with social distancing being applied due to the Covid crisis at the time allowing 6 people to meet, this as I said was in Richards garden (many thanks to Richard). Knowing the usual time for the AGM was looming there was a few things that as Committee Members we needed to ensure happened so we could keep you all informed. The main point was that the current Committee continues as it stands until November 2021, unless we can hold an AGM earlier. You will recall that I did state that should any SEAMS member has an issue with this I asked if they could write to me and should I get more than 50% of the club members respond, the committee will take immediate action to act. I am very pleased to announce that not one single letter did I receive, so obviously I take that as a good sign and you are all happy with what your Committee is doing for you all. I do hope I have better success with my Christmas cards!

I also stated that on review to cover our cost that Membership renewal for existing members for 2021 will be reduced to £14 per member. I don’t think anybody really knows how 2021 will pan out but I do implore all members to re-join as we do need the subs to Survive and if we do not get a good number of renewals, this will impact the funds. The Club has to commit to insurance numbers in January for that forthcoming year so we will be doing this based on existing club member numbers. This renewal of your membership could be to secure the Club for many more years once we are over this terrible virus. It would be so nice for 2021 that we would be able to celebrate 30 years of SEAMS existence, let’s hope it is possible.

On our Website it has stated that due to Coronavirus, events had been cancelled, well for 2020 that is it. We know that some organisers are already pulling events in 2021 but if we see light at the end of the tunnel and restrictions start to change we will publish any dates in 2021 that look like they may go ahead.

You may recall we the committee always witter on about new Committee members, I can hear myself from the 2019 AGM saying the same thing. At the 2019 AGM we had an announcement from Richard Amos that due to personal reasons and a very long stint as treasurer, that he would be stepping down as SEAMS club treasurer and we would be looking for a person to replace that role, so please come forward! Richard said he would not leave us in the lurch and would continue until a replacement could be found. I am very pleased and very happy to welcome two people that have made that commitment to 1, Take on the SEAMS treasurer role 2, Join as a Committee member. I can announce that Helen Skinner will be taking on the role as Club Treasurer and Andy Skinner will become a new Committee member, this is great news and very welcomed, as always good to have new ideas and influences. I am sure you will all wish them every success and appreciate their dedication to take on this commitment. I would also like to thank Richard for his many years service as Club Treasurer and pleased to announce that he will continue on the Committee as Club Historian.

I had mentioned about articles for the newsletter. I felt that we have all been up to something and stated that I appreciated that it’s not that easy sometimes to get the right words out. I would encourage you all, even if in paper format to get something down and get it to us. Well you all must have been too tied up as the response was lacking and has not been what I wanted or expected. I thought we could test our genius editor and give him some challenges that he can work with and make you look like you are now on to your next novel. Let us see if we can get something for the next newsletter please.

For me, the update on the Land Rover is that it is now coming together but the recent lockdown and the fact the vehicle is not at home, has put a stop on that. This has meant that a few of the final pieces have been refurbished and fabricated in the workshop, but a few more jobs have been ticked of the list around the home. I have added a couple of pics of where it started (here) and where it is up to now (cover).

That leaves me to say, from all at SEAMS we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all to be safe and to enjoy the festive period hopefully with the minimal of restrictions.