Chairman’s Report May/June 2019
Dear Members
We are into May now and rally dates and coming thick and fast. Personally, I am a bit slow but have made a list of ones that Cyril and I can attend.
You are all going to have to be patient with me as I must dedicate time to getting the land Rover finished. Taking to it a very intense level but keep telling myself that as it has lasted 40 years, this could give it another 40.
Apart from the task of writing articles which usually falls to committee members it is important to keep in contact. The committee members said that we would at least get a list of rally dates out so you would know what Rally’s are on and on what dates. The reason behind this is, unfortunately our current news Editor Mark Tewkesbury , who does such a splendid job, has had a computer failure that is quite terminal and is in the process of repairing/replacing it , so unable to carry out the Editorial role to his usual high standard. Mark assures us that he will resolve this and he is still keen to continue with this role , which we are all very pleased with , so we wish Mark all success in getting up and running again.
As mentioned in our last AGM, Sue Goodchild stood down as our “web Master“, which is a very difficult role to fill. We have Sean Murrell who will take over this role but again be patient as we are working through the transition and appreciate the lack of updates to the web page.
Hopefully all that have shown an interest, are looking forward to our coach trip to Milestones on the 1st of June (Weather is booked) even though indoors.Front cover from last trip to Milestones , so interested to see the updates.
So will soon be seeing you up and around the Rally fields but please see the events on the enclosed list
Steve Rowland
SEAMS Chairman