SEAMS News Archives

Chairman’s Report March 2017

By Steve Rowland
Club Chairman

On the 8th January SEAMS held its New Year gas up at Faygate Village Hall, an event which we have had at this location since the sad passing of Paul Cook. The event was very well supported this year with your help and a very dry and mild day.

Faygate New Year gas up ran from about 10am until about 2pm and when I arrived shortly after 10 I was pleased to see a great line up of engines which thinking of it now was into double digits.

I must take the opportunity to thank everybody that brought and exhibited an engine as our engines are not always accessible over the winter period.  Faygate gives us the best of both worlds, a bit of land to put the engines on, a seating area away from the elements plus cooking and drink making facilities and all important toilets.

We were very well looked after and our extended thanks to the ladies who in the kitchen supplied us with bacon rolls, hotdogs and warm soup so a big thank you, it was very much appreciated.

As with all our winter evening meetings we hold a raffle and I decided to hold the draw outside in the middle of the event to make sure everyone could participate, as when the draw is at the end of the day a few people have to leave due to travel commitments.  I hope everybody could hear me and we raised a good sum to help cover the costs.

Mark Tewkesbury was capturing the whole event on his camera so we will look forward to seeing the pictures.

We must still have those projects that we are working on but personally speaking I have been concentrating on Land Rover parts in preparation for my rebuild.

It’s good to see the nights are drawing out so we can all look forward to the 2017 season to come