A Lucky Find!
By Mark Tewkesbury
Those of you that take the Stationary Engine Magazine will have read the recent shed finds articles covering engines recovered from former SEAMS exhibitors. Whilst viewing these engines with Ian Sampson, I spotted the remains of an old Bamfords engine in the garden. It was looking rather sorry for itself, minus most external fittings. What caught my eye was the bolt on Oil Filler, making this EV1 quite an early engine. The hulk was dragged back to the trailer and loaded up on what was a very wet day! Once home, I made a note of the serial number V13387 and sent it off to Phillip Wood of the Bamfords Machinery Group. He was able to state it was one of 6 engines supplied that day, July 1st 1935 to Carter Bros, Billingshurst and was indeed first year of production. Allan Harris took pity on the poor thing and it passed to him, although when he actually viewed it, I’m not sure the enthusiasm was quite so hot!
Roll on to this Summer and I was offered the opportunity to view some engines nearby owned by a mate of a friend. All were projects, requiring some parts or others but the one that stood out was the Bamfords EV1. Again with a bolt on filler, I was soon rubbing the plate to read the number and nearly fell over when I saw what it was, V13388! The very next engine to the wreck in the shed. Bear in mind that Carter Bros shipped their products all over the country and the fact that ’88 had come from Surrey originally, make this a remarkable find. This one is in considerably better condition but will require some work as the piston is out and rings need replacing but hopefully with parts from ’87 it will run again. Perhaps ’87 will remain in its as found condition to make a great comparison with ’88 once it is restored.
My thanks to the owner who on hearing this coincidence, gave me V13388, a very kind and generous gift.