SEAMS News Archives

Sad News: Stolen Machine

I wonder if I could ask a favour of fellow club members.

On Friday or Saturday 12th/13th February, I had my 2 wheel pedestrian finger bar hedge cutter stolen from my shed in Betchworth Surrey. It’s Apple green and orange in colour, the metal wheels (orange) are about 3 ft in diameter with round metal spokes, it’s about 8 ft long with a frame on the front to hold the 5ft long PTO shaft and cutter bar which sits at right angles to the machine. It’s powered by a Lister D type by way of a belt and chain. So if any SEAMS members see this machine on their travels, could you please give me a call on 07931306135

Many thanks
Peter Hoyles

This is a unique machine as I have never seen another. It’s a large and heavy unit and quite amazing that someone had the nerve to get this out of the shed and onto a trailer without being spotted.
