Oakwoodhill Flower Show & Foxleigh Barn Social
Okewood, Ockley & Forest Green Flower Show is another long standing event, this year being the 115th show!
This year we had 4 engines and Tony Harcombe on his 1949 Norton ES2. Tom had his Lister Kibbling Mill driven by Colin Nicholas’s Petter A (ex Fred Monnery), Allan was showing his Wolseley WD2 and my Grindstone plus his Amanco and lastly Richard Amos brought along a very nice and original Ruston & Hornsby APB. If you fancy a smaller event next year we could do with 1 or 2 more engines.
The following day, a trip to Amberley and a relaxing day spent in good company at Peter Vandendyck’s home, Foxleigh Barn. Peter has been offering this site over a number of years for a private social weekend with engines. The field slopes gently and affords great views of the surrounding countryside. A local Fish & Chip shop provides excellent food Saturday evening.
If you have not been, its worth a visit and Peter & Lyn will make you most welcome.
Mark Tewkesbury