SEAMS News Archives

News from the Editor May/June 2015

Well the rally season is upon us once again, and its been a good start so far. I write this after a successful weekend, out and about with club members, albeit not at club events and in deference to the weather forecast!

The good and bad news on the membership front continues this month. We have several new or renewed members to welcome, J. Thurston, D. Back & Son, A. Smith and M. Keen. We hope to see you somewhere, events, rallies or our club Bring & Buy. This is tempered slightly by the news of Mike Godley’s passing.  Many will remember Mike as the tool man, always bringing along a few tools to show or sell, but Mike also had a small collection of nice Stationary Engines, a regular outing for these being Wiston rally. R.I.P. Michael, we will miss you.

Club nights are now over for the Winter season. We had two excellent evenings with Dave Rudwick in March giving us an excellent talk on Midhurst, his family connections with the town and his own fabulous collection of vintage ephemera. Peter Hill then came along in April to give us a most wonderful slideshow and talk on the Windmills of Sussex, with his wonderful wit thrown in! We look forward to inviting Dave and Peter back again in the future for talks.

Our website continues to be popular with the hit counter approaching 50,000! Our thanks to Sue Goodchild for continuing to look after this valuable asset. Talking of valuable assets, it is expected that work will begin on returning the club engine to working order shortly after completion of the High Beeches project.

Inside is a reminder of our duty to take care of our engines both on and off the Rally field. Please read and take note.

Due to other commitments the deadline for the next issue is extended to June 30th but early contributions would be greatly appreciated.