News from the Editor March/April 2015
Mark Tewkesbury – Editor
Well once again I have to start this edition with news of incorrect dates. Firstly an apology to anyone who ventured to Faygate on Friday December 19th for the advertised Christmas Social, which of course happened the previous evening. New member Martin Bateup made the journey so a sincere apology to him from me. Secondly the advertised date for the Spring Bring & Buy is not Sunday the 15th, or even Monday the 16th as advertised! but in fact Sunday 22nd of March so please add that date to your diary.
It has been a pleasure to receive some feedback from fellow club members, regarding John Moss’ article on PLUTO. Keith West came along to the New Years bash, armed with information and Cliff Noble has replied with some very interesting news concerning the pumping installation.
The Committee would like to welcome new members Peter Hyatt and Chris Hobden to the Society and it is pleasing to hear that John Ambler and Paul Harding have rejoined our ranks. We look forward to seeing you all out and about at rallies.
The good news is tempered slightly with news of the passing of another member. Ian Sampson advises that Jake Ludbrook passed away in January. Our condolences to his family and friends.
Ian mentions that the Saddlescombe event will be on the Lambing Weekend, as last year, which is 11th/12th April. We are invited for both days but this depends on interest from members, so if you want to go, get in touch with Ian ASAP and he will confirm if the club is supporting both days or not.
At John Peters suggestion and further to a recent article in the Stationary Engine Magazine, I would like to remind members of the importance of information sheets about your exhibit. It is easy to forget or be lazy and not bother, but it really is down to us the exhibitor, to educate and enthuse the public with our displays. Failure to do so will lead to a lack of interest, no ‘new blood’ coming into the hobby and consequently a falling in value of our ‘prized’ assets, not that any hobby should be considered a money making exercise but it does help!
The last couple of club nights have been very successful thanks to the efforts of Ian Sampson. David Ralph gave us an interesting evening with some local videos and some on vintage cars in January whilst Mike Rankin from Vallance Byways Museum gave us a very interesting talk on his time in the RAF including flying such aircraft as Meteors and Canberras and a fantastic insight into the role of Costal Command, especially during the nuclear tests in the Pacific. We look forward to two more informative talks in March and April.
Please note, if you have not renewed your membership, this will be the last newsletter you receive. Finally deadline for the next issue is April 20th.