SEAMS News Archives

Letter from The Editor

The Rally season is now well and truly over. We have had a good run of mild and mostly dry weather with some late Summer and Autumn events enjoying nice sunshine, unfortunately that cannot be said for our season closer at Singleton.

New Year Gas Up

SEAMS have been cordially invited back to Hurst Farm by the Cook Family to celebrate the New Year and blow away those Winter Blues with a Gas Up in the barn next to Paul’s Museum. It would be really great if we could make this an event for Jacquie to be proud of and remember Paul by. The date for your diary is Sunday 5th January and all being well, I look forward to seeing you there. Please contact Ian for further details.

Events List

Please would any organiser wishing their event to be added to the new list for next year contact the editor with the details.

It has been noted of late some events have not been fixed till late or changed at the last minute. We apologise for the inconvenience or lack of information but this is due to unforeseen circumstances and your committee is working on this.

Club Nights

Our first evening at Faygate has been held and  had a reasonable attendance, we would always like to see more members there though. Our thanks to Ian and Richard for providing a most interesting selection of slides from the past.

Stationary Engine Magazine

David Edgington has asked to remind all members that the magazine can be purchased from any of the larger WH Smiths and good newsagents should anyone be finding it difficult keeping a subscription going. Personally, over the years I have found SEM an invaluable source of information and would find it hard to give up the magazine now.

The next edition of the SEAMS newsletter is being brought forward slightly so members should receive it before the New Year.  Therefore closing date for the next edition will be 15th December.