SEAMS News Archives

Chairman’s Report Summer 2021

Dear Members,

From our last newsletter, I explained that they have not been quite as frequent to pre-lockdown time, well I would of like to of said that we were getting close to normality  but with the lockdown restrictions being extended from the 21st June to the 19th of July, things are going slowly slowly. In my opinion I do think this is a correct approach as the affects that have been seen across the world. It’s a short time out of our lives, not exhibiting and mixing on the rally field, to ensure that we keep the guide lines in place so that we do not revert back to the high infection rates. I do hope that pretty much all of you have had both your injections now, which gives us a bit more security. Let us hope that the 19th July does open up the country, with some restrictions likely, as I write, the wearing of masks being optional is being talked about.

My next bit of news seems all to frequent at the moment and it is with great sadness that we have lost another club member, Tony Harcombe.  Our condolences go out to Celia and the family.

So what’s been happening? “NOT A LOT “ I hear you cry, well this is correct but we are now seeing a few events that are emerging. I mentioned before, we all feel these will be small events and with the larger rallies taking such a lot of organising and time in regards to preparation that the fear is many will miss another year. As I said there are some events, so look out for more details within the newsletter.

You will have seen in the past that the committee write about their exploits, but as you may recall from my previous Chairman Reports where I say “it’s your club your newsletter” we would be very pleased to receive a few words, even a picture, of what you have been up to. I appreciate you will not be able to write about Rallies you have visited but, and I know that I do repeat this!, you do not have to be a “wordsmith” we will be able to help you to make an excellent article that people would enjoy reading, so please send in anything you have. This can be by post to me direct at

Steve Rowland
6 Queen Elizabeth Road, Rudgwick RH12 3HP

I am sure you can appreciate that every time we publish a newsletter there is a cost, on average £160 a run, so the more in it the better to get the value of postage etc. a thank you to those that have contributed.

One thing that I am pleased to announce is the gas up at Foxleigh Barn. For any that have not been before, this is a very friendly event at Pete & Lin Vandendyke’s home near Amberley. As this is SEAMS 30th year, we intend to hold a club BBQ which will be run by John Peters and myself. As you have all suffered and not enjoyed the benefits of full membership, this will be free to all club members as an appreciation of your loyalty through these troubled times. I do hope as many as you can bring an engine or just visit. This is on the 7 & 8th of August with the BBQ on the Saturday evening. If you can make us aware you are going to attend please as this would be very useful for preparation of food.

On a personal note I wanted to report I have been cracking on with my Land Rover, still quite a bit to go, but you will struggle to recognise it when it finally is complete.  On an engine front, one thing I have worked on is the restoration of an Enterprise M’F’G and Co corn mill. I fully stripped and repainted that one and picked the letters out in gold! I will be able to exhibit it with my Stover, well that is the plan.

We know to a lot of you that are retired and no longer have the pull of employment that seems to consume your week, this COVID has really dragged on but as I said before,  your club is still here, it’s been quiet, which I think has been the case with much of the UK and events.

Please still stay safe

Steve Rowland   SEAMS Chairman