Chairman’s Report – December 2019

By Steve Rowland

I shall start this issue with the SEAMS AGM held at Faygate on the 21st November 2019.

Firstly I wish to thank everybody who attended, we had another good turn out of people this year, 21 in total but that did include committee members only 6 down on 2018.

I opened with the Chairman’s outlining the continued support at events and reflecting on a few of them and how quick the year has gone, ending with thanks to my fellow committee members for their help and support but not forgetting thanks to the actual members as without all of you, we do not have a club. Thank you!

Apologies were received from Dick Hayter as sadly I had to announce the loss of Dick’s wife that had occurred only a few days earlier. Our thoughts are with him and the family at this difficult time. Apologies also received from Sean Murrell (committee member).

Richard then went through SEAMS accounts and that were proposed to be accepted but we had to announce that Richard will be stepping down from the Treasurer post for personal reasons. To this we announced that would there be anybody that could fill this position, obviously this was to the 20 odd people who attended, so now my plea is through the club newsletter to all members.

Please consider this position as it is a vital role in the club and make contact with any committee member should you be interested in taking the post on.

Richard confirmed that he is not just going to put the accounts book down and walk away, but would like to hand over to someone and take them through the procedure.

Ian outlined the past events and confirmed that we intend to keep the subs at £18, a subscription form is included in this letter.

John Peters explained that we have had no accidents and incidents this year and long may it be that way.

We then took a vote on re-electing the current committee “on block” apart from the Treasurers position, this was proposed and with a unanimous vote accepted. Thank you to everyone.

It was our pleasure to thank John and Heather Moss for organising the club outing and confirming that they will take on the challenge next year.

I then went on to say thanks to Sue Goodchild who initially thought she would not be able to continue as Web Master previously doing it for I believe 15 years, but with a change of plans is able to continue for us.

We discussed and had a show of hands on 3 suggested charities, the decision was made and for our normal Christmas donation, we would donate £50 to Macmillan Nurses.

Richard confirmed that the club engine is an appreciating asset and now has a trolley part constructed thanks to Andy Thompson. We would still look for someone to take on the Engine for the club in the form of rallying it but with it still remaining a club asset.

We all then had a nice cupper and cake thanks to Allan and held our usual raffle. I can report that from this gathering that raffle and tea/coffee money that goes into club funds was very buoyant.

This leaves me to say, please ensure you send in your renewed membership.

Don’t forget our New Year gas up held at Faygate village hall on the 5th of January. There will be a BBQ run by John Peters and myself. This is free to club members, but donations for food are most welcome. This will be from 10am onwards, all engines welcome, but ensure you have paid your subs or pay on the day to ensure you are covered with insurance.