First SEAMS Winter Meeting

On the evening of Friday 21st October SEAMS held its first post season winter meeting at Faygate Village Hall. Being the first we did not have an organised speaker having around 14 attend, I am really grateful to all for making the effort. Richard Amos kindly brought along a PC screen being able to show a slide show of pictures he had taken while on his travels of an American car collection. This was a large collection and Richard had captured them very well, these ranged from late 18th century to the 1940 and 50’s.

Alan Harris brought more of his extended photo collection that has been passed to him. I brought a very early SEAMS poster that advertised a rally at Worthing Rugby Club in Angmering. This promoted discussions on the four founder members of the club Ian Sampson (Events), Jerry Rump (Chair), Dave Carpenter (Ins) and David Nott (Treasurer). We did
enjoy a good natter and catch up with a few cups of tea and coffee and a welcome slice of cake provided by Alan Harris.

Thanks for the attendance of Graham Hurst who joined SEAMS at Parham
this year.

Steve Rowland – Chairman