Kingsfold Vintage Tractor and Engine Weekend – Invite Only

Kingsfold Vintage Tractor and Engine Weekend – Invite Only

Date: 28th to 30th August 2021

Venue: Kingsfold

This event is taking place over the August Bank Holiday weekend and is not associated with the usual Kingsfold Rally.

Not having rallies for at least two years, a group of enthusiasts have come together and with the landowners permission, have created a `closed event’ (invite only) for us to enjoy.

There will be tractors and ploughing, with a line-up of engines with camping behind for three days and the Wild West `Deadwood Town' will be open for you to visit. We would like to make the event a `Lister' special display, but all makes are welcome. Please note this is strictly a `private’ event by prior arrangement only regardless of what the Covid rules are at the time and you will be required to book in on arival.

For camping, a one off charge of £10 is asked for the weekend, be that one night or more. Visitors may attend but only by pre-booked arrangement.